BUTTERFLY-BOMS! 11 nectar-rich wildflowers that will attract butterflies.
There are over 50 species of butterfly in the UK but like many pollinators their numbers are in decline due to loss of natural habitat.
Butterfly-Boms include seeds from over 10 different types of nectar-rich wildflowers that butterflies love.
Seed-bombs are clever balls of clay, compost and seeds that are easy to grow. Simply scatter on cleared soil in Spring or Autumn. There are approx 25 Bee-Boms in each pack which will cover around 1.25m square of ground.
Wildflower varieties include favourites such as Foxglove, Field Scabious, Cornflower, Corn Cockle, Poppy and Oxeye Daisy, amongst others. As well as helping butterflies these pretty flowers will brighten up the garden and can be grown in pots too.